Chemical kinetics: notes for teachers

This page is a list of notes and websites that may be useful for teachers planning lessons on chemical kinetics, the branch of physical chemistry that studies the rates of chemical reactions.

Animations and presentations

YouTube clips

Interactive simulations



The best of the web

RSC webpages

Wikipedia articles


Often exciting to watch, explosions are an interesting 'application' of kinetics.

Types of explosion

Explosions fall into two categories based on their speed of propagation:

Dust explosions

Substances that aren't normally considered highly flammable can explode when their surface area per unit mass is much higher than normal.

My thoughts on teaching kinetics

Relationships between kinetics and thermodynamics

I agree with Dave Lock that it is best to think of the thermodynamics (energy changes) and the kinetics (rates) of chemical reactions separately, although there are a few overlapping areas.

Here are a few important definitions:
It's a good idea to consider energy and rates separately because they do operate independently most of the time:

Synthetic chemists can often control reaction conditions so that either kinetic or thermodynamic effects dominate the key steps in a reaction. This strategy is called thermodynamic versus kinetic reaction control.